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on BBC Two England

The Mould, the Myth and the Microbe
In May 1940 four white mice were rescued from certain death by a substance derived from 'mould juice'. Four years later. 40.000 D-day casualties were treated with it. Penicillin was a miracle.
Alexander Fleming became a world hero, often wrongly credited for work he did not do. Horizon tells the full story of the scientists who really brought penicillin to the world.
Wntten and produced by David Dugan and Oliver Morse
Editor Jana Bennett (Revised rpt)
* TRANSCRIPT: send a cheque for
£2.00, payable to BSS, to: [address removed]


Alexander Fleming
Produced By:
David Dugan
Produced By:
Oliver Morse
Jana Bennett

BBC Two England

About BBC Two

BBC Two is a lively channel of depth and substance, carrying a range of knowledge-building programming complemented by great drama, comedy and arts.

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