Topical arts magazine
Introduced by David Jones
Steam shovels, Bulldozers, White Tape and Trees
'A big hole in the ground, people in their Sunday clothes, a wonderful parade of steam shovels and bulldozers' - one of the extraordinary happenings in a film about artists who use hillsides and coastlines and deserts to make their art-the story of 'land art' - from the White Horses we all know on the English downs to the Bulgarian Christo's recent last minute disaster with his project to hang a plastic curtain across a Colorado valley.
The Savage God
Next week sees the publication of a book on the disquieting subject of suicide - why does this happen, what have been the attitudes to it in history and literature?
Al Alvarez, the poet and writer, author of The Savage God, talks about Sylvia Plath, one of the greatest poets of our time, whose death is the subject of the prologue of his book; and some of her poems are read by Sheila Allen.
(David Jones is a member of the RSC)