Interval Music
2.5 'Our Village'
A Special Course for Rural
Schools devised by EDITH E. MACQUEEN , Ph.D.
' Our Village'
In this new series listeners are going to hear all about an English village, thanks to the intelligent curiosity of a boy called Robin who has lived all his life in a town, but not long ago came to live in the country-with his uncle on a farm near the village of Stanwellstead. Because Robin is intelligent he wants to find out all he can about his new home, the things to be seen, the nicest walks, the occupations of the villagers.
Listeners will hear what the post-man has to tell him and what he learns from ' the innkeeper, the policeman and the blacksmith, the schoolmaster and the vicar, and especially from old Gaffer Brown. You will like Gaffer, who is so old that he can remember things that happened years before most people in the village were born-at least, that is what he says
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 British History
From Pre-Roman Times to the Fifteenth Century
' The Face of Britain'
A dramatic interlude written for broadcasting by HUGH Ross WILLIAMSON
' There runs a road on Merrow
In today's broadcast listeners will hear about the old trackways and cattleways on the downs, which were there long before the Romans came to Britain. The second part of the broadcast tells how the Romans built their great paved roads, some of which have lasted down to our own day.