6.50 Maths 7.15 Using the Aggregate Demand and Supply Model 7.40 Probability and Statistics 8.05 Computing
8.30 Industrial Democracy
8.55 Changing Britain 9.20 Discovering Physics 9.45 Out of Sight, Out of Mind 10.10
Technology 10.35 Sources of Power 11.00 Managing
Schools 11.25 Curriculum and Learning 11.50 Culture and Belief in Europe 1450-1600: Ottoman Supremacy 12.15 Education 12.40 Mental
Handicap 1.05 Nuclear
Weapons 1.30 Modem Art and Modernism 1.55 Culture and Belief in Europe 1450-1600:
Maarten Van Heemskerck 2.20
The History of Mathematics