Come and Join Us
Mrs. M. Courtney, J.P., National Chairman, presents the resolution passed at the National Council of the National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, agreeing with the principle .that a permanent United Nations Force be established.
Viscount Hinchingbrooke, M.P., and I.J. Pitman, M.P., discuss some of the practical problems that must be faced with members of the Manchester and Stockport Federations of Townswomen's Guilds.
Chairman, Doreen Stephens, Editor, Women's Television Programmes
From the BBC's Northern studios
3.15 Keep Fit with Eileen Fowler
From the BBC's Midland television studio
All instructions for exercises demonstrated by Eileen Fowler since January 1957 (which she is repeating on Monday afternoons till mid-June) and previously published in a pamphlet and in supplements to Radio Times, are reprinted in a new pamphlet obtainable from [address removed]. Price 2s. 6d. post free. Postal orders, please, not stamps.
(to 15.30)