9.30 Science Topics: Electromagnetic Spectrum
(Shown on Tuesday at 1.15 pm)
9.52 Look and Read: Fair Ground!: 7: Ozzie Thinks Again
(Shown on Tuesday at 10.10 am)
10.15 Mathscore Two: 9: Graphs Rule, OK?
Elaine Donnelly and Roger Sloman show how to turn a mathematical rule into a graph.
10.38 Exploring Science: Stars
From the earliest times, people have looked at the stars and wondered.
11.0 Look, Look and Look Again: Pattern in Place
A walk in the forest; a visit to the seashore, a Banbury class looks closely at natural textures and patterns.
11.22 Geography 11-13: The Iron and Steel Industry
Bernard Clark looks at how the iron and steel industry moved its location and its current problems.
11.44 Going to Work: Life and Social Skills: 2: At Work
(Shown on Monday at 9.38 am)
12.5 pm Making the Most of the Micro: 7: Sounds Interesting
What micros can do and how to use them.
12.30 Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You: 7: Training to Survive
For the young motorcyclist.
12.55 You Can't See the Wood...: 7: Trees in Towns
With David Bellamy, who examines the diversity, uses and conservation of trees in the UK.
1.20 Pages from Ceefax
1.38 Around Scotland: Preserving the Past: 2: Auchindrain
(Shown yesterday at 1.38 pm)
2.0 Scene: Death in the Family
'Why me, why my father?' What happens when somebody dies? What actually goes on at a funeral? What effect does a death in the family have on those who are left behind?
(Shown yesterday at 10.34 am)
Helplines: pages 71
2.30 English File: Media Studies: 2: Reporting from the Scene
How a news reporter puts a story together. Film of BBC reporter Kate Adie on an assignment, and a discussion between Home Affairs correspondent Bill Hamilton and Brent students who have filmed their own local stories.