Andrew Shonfield argues that
Britain needs the Common Market now more than ever before.
' We need it,' he says, ' to help us out of the mess we are in.' In this, the first of two debates on the Common Market, ANDREW SHONFIELD, Director of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, argues that Britain should remain in the EEC.
He believes that the most dangerous thing we can do is to believe that we would be better on our own. We used to think that we could get the food we want by just shopping around and buying in the cheapest market. ' This,' he says, ' is no longer the world that we live in. It is also going to be harder to sell our products abroad against competitors who are ganging up together and integrating their industries.
' We need friends abroad who will support Britain while we modernise our industries. We need friends who have an interest in the success of Britain.'
ANDREW SHONFIELD argues this case with his critics before an invited audience at the Royal Institution, London. Chairman Robin Day