Live from the London Festival of Contemporary Church Music, St Pancras Church, London. Introit: Thee We Adore,
0 Hidden Saviour, Thee (Simon Brown ).
Responses: Gabriel Jackson. Psalms 53, 54 and 55 (Christopher Batchelor ). First Lesson:
Deuteronomy 10, vv12-22. Canticles: St Pancras Service (Michael Finnissy ). Second Lesson:
Ephesians 5, vvl-14. Anthem: Save Us, 0 Lord, Waking (David Buckley ). Final Hymn: When
Blazing Sunset Glory Paints the Sky (Coram's
Fields). Organ Voluntary: Volante (Alastair King). Director of music Christopher Batchelor. Assistant organist Tim Wakerell.