by Berkely Mather.
[Starring] Peter Bull
It is the boast of Maximilian Bull that he has never been nicked or, to put it another way, that he has managed to avoid being apprehended by the police throughout half a lifetime of criminal activity. Maxie's department is the reception of stolen goods, and he congratulates himself on his astuteness in avoiding the simple blunders that have brought disaster upon his contemporaries in the fencing trade. He has always been willing to wait until the heat was off-three years, five years, as long as necessary-before taking the loot to market. 'It'll keep', he says confidently', 'even mink'll keep'.
The proceeds of this cautious policy have provided Maxie with a fine country home where he looks forward to a life of gentlemanly leisure, perhaps eventually-and the prospect appeals to his sense of humour-becoming a J.P. The valuable hoard that is to maintain him so comfortably is hidden in his cellar, and, as this menacing little thriller begins, he is making the nest-egg secure against burglary with the skilled assistance of a craftsman-locksmith named Friskey. It is possible that the secret will not be safe with Friskey, but Maxie's plans include the elimination of all risks.