Introduced by Harry Carpenter
Boxing: Ten consecutive knock-out victories have made FRANK BRUNO Britain's hottest heavyweight property. Last night in the Barrett/Duff promotion at the Royal Albert Hall , London, he met a man bigger than himself-STUART LiTHGO. six foot four, the Northern Area heavyweight champion.
Figure Skating: This year marks the 25th anniversary of BBC coverage of the World and European Figure Skating Championships. Famous winners have included the PROTOPOPOVS, RODNINA AND ZAITSEV, while British successes have included COURTNEY JONES, FORD AND TOWLER, JOHN CURRY and ROBIN COUSINS and most recently the remarkable ice-dancing combination Of TORVILL AND DEAN.
Alan Weeks takes a nostalgic look at memorable moments enjoyed by television viewers over 25 years.
TV presentation: Boxing BOB DUNCAN Producer ROGER MOODY Editor HAROLD ANDERSON