Presented by Sue Robinson. 'Think big' is the motto of Julienne Dolphin-Wilding, who makes giant garden furniture inspired by things nautical. The textures and patinas of weather-worn materials combine with the large scale to evoke an almost medieval grandeur. Sitting in one of her throne-like chairs 'either makes you feel very powerful or very childlike, depending on your personality,' says Julienne. Equally dramatic are the wallpaintings of the first purpose-built Buddhist temple in Europe. In the London suburb of Wimbledon, a team of artists from Thailand have been working for three years to produce an epic cycle of paintings. Within the confines of traditional style and iconography, the murals incorporate images from the modern Western world - sometimes to startling effect! In the studio workshop, stained glass and fabric collage projects begin. Designer MARK KEBBY
Studio director KRISTIN MASON Producer MARY SPRENT
Series producer DICK FOSTER (e)