from Rossall School Chapel
The Eve of Mary Magdalene
Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake (Hilton)
Confession and Absolution
The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalm 106
First Lesson: Proverbs 31. vv. 10-31 Magnificat (Wood in C minor)
Second Lesson: St. Luke 8, vv. 1-3 Nunc dimittis (Wood in C minor) Creed. Suffrages, Collects
Anthem: Hosanna to the Son of David (Weelkes)
Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed be the King that cometh in the Name of the Lord, Hosanna, Thou that sittest in the Highest Heavens, Hosanna in excelsis Deo.
Come down, O Love Divine (A. and M. 670)
Organist. Keith Burton-Nickson
Director of Music, Reginald Pease