from Highams Park Baptist Church, Cavendish Road. London, E.4; conducted by the Minister, the Rev. Stephen F. Winward
Call to Worship
Rejoice: the Lord is King (B.C.H
Prayer of Confession
Prayer for Illumination
The Epistle: Philippians 4, w. 4-9
Metrical Psalm 43, vv. 3-5 (B.C.H.
The Gospel: St. Luke 17, vv. 11-19 The Sermon
When all thy mercies (B.C.H. 68) Biddings and Intercessions The Offertory
And now, 0 Father, mindful of the love (BBC H.B. 198)
The Invitation
Prayer of Approach
Prayer of Thanksgiving The Breaking of Bread
The Distribution of Bread and Wine; and the hvmn. Thee we adore, 0 hidden Saviour (BBC H.B. 217)
The Lord's Prayer
Thine be the glorv, risen, conquering
Son (M.H.B. 213)
Organist, Edward Dent