It's Called Jo-Anne always thought something was wrong. After all, his parents gave him away when he was only a 3-month-old baby. At the age of 19, while in the navy, Jo grew breasts; he was told to pull himself together and given tablets to make them go away, and for the next 20 years he was pumped full of drugs to make him masculine.
'Doctors brutalised me. I was neither male nor female, I didn't know where to turn.'
Jo tried to lead a normal life, falling in love and marrying Christine, but still his life was a sham. Now Jo is 63 and, after 26 years together, Jo and Chris live on the Isle of Skye. Their life has changed....
'It's not like a normal couple - I still love Jo, I'm very fond of him, or her - or it.'
Production assistant ANDREA GAULD