9.15 Politics in Action (Scotland): 5: The Nuclear Debate
With Professor John Erickson, Michael Ancram, MP and Gavin Strang, MP
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9.35 Pages from Ceefax
10.0 You and Me
A series for 4- and 5-year-olds
It's not easy to replace a lost peg doll from a fire engine; Cosmo and Jeni Barnett try to help Dibs. A group of Bristol boys perform a traditional Punjabi dance. Book: "Winklet Gets Lost" by Eileen Ryder illustrated by Stephanie Lang
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10.15 Science Workshop: Stiff Shapes 'B'
How thin, floppy material can be made strong by shaping. From plastic buckets to James Bond helicopters.
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10.38 Investigating Science: I Wonder Why
A look at the theory developed to explain seismic and volcanic activity associated with the drifting of the continents.
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11.0 Words and Pictures: The Tale of the Turnip
(Shown on Monday at 2.2 pm) (e)
11.17 Let's See: Minibeasts: 3: The Workers
(Shown on Monday at 10.38 am) (e)
11.40 Maths at Work: 5
Young people use maths: a surveyor, mechanical engineer, sheet-metal worker and forester.
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12.0 Pages from Ceefax
12.25 pm Dicho y hecho
Basic skills in Spanish.
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12.50 France-Francais: 5: Repetons...
A chance to get away from the classroom, and find out about young people in Provence.
1.5 The Money Makers: The Oil Tycoon
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1.38 Around Scotland: Nature Study: 2: Riverbank
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