Presented by Scottish Command
Scotland's Pride
A combined display of piping and Highland dancing by The Massed Pipes and Drums of:
1st Battalion Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment)
1st Battalion Camerontans (Scottish Rifles)
1st Battalion Black Watch (R.H.R.)
2nd Battalion Black Watch (R.H.R.)
1st Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's) and by teams of dancers from all the Scottish Infantry Regiments.
An episode depicting the origin of Tattoo, set in a village in Holland in 1699.
Massed Military Bands of The Royal Marines, Deal
The Royal Scots Greys (2nd Dragoons)
The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment)
Scotland the Brave
The Sunset Call
The National Anthem
From the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle.