The second in a series about six remarkable women, all born around 1900, in an age when it was difficult for them to fulfil their talents.
Naomi Mitchison interviewed by Leonie Caldecott
Naomi Mitchison has written over 80 books, as well as poems, plays and articles. Her literary output has been phenomenal, and controversial. In the 30s and 40s she was well ahead of her time, writing from the women's point of view about life and love. She was involved in the early struggle for birth control. She has also been a farmer who only gave up driving a tractor when she was 80, and owns a Scottish fishing trawler.
Naomi Mitchison is the mother of five and is also honorary mother of an African tribe which she visits every year. She talks about her full life.
(Subtitles on Ceefax page 270)