6.50 Chardin and the Female Image
7.15 The View from Detroit
7.40 Social Problems and Social Welfare
8.05 The Effective Manager
8.30 Modelling in Comfort
8.55 The Shapes of Flows
9.20 Light on Lasers
9.45 The Social Primate
10.10 Living with Technology
10.35 The Will to Win
11.00 Chile in the International System
11.25 Kafka and his World
11.50 The Universe Yesterday
12.15 Organic Chemistry: Prostaglandins
12.40 Introductory Electronics
1.05 Open Communities
1.30 Modern Art: Greenberg on Criticism
1.55 Organics by the Ton
2.15 Weekend Outlook
2.20 Arts: King Cotton's Palace