6.25 Ecology
6.50 Recycling Domestic Refuse
7.15 Topology: Flows
7.40 Structural Power: 2
8.5 Unemployment in Clwyd
8.30 Interpretation in the Arts
8.55 Display and Recording
9.20 Punjab to Britain: 1
9.45 The People's Game
10.10 Maths: Complex Analysis
10.35 Learning Problems
11.0 Comparing Trades Unions: 1
11.25 Cost Benefit Analysis
11.50 Continental Can at the EEC
12.15 Reading: Resource Development
12.40 Shoreflelds School
1.5 Pure Maths: Knots
1.30 The Philosophy of Science: 2
1.55 Redlining the City
2.20 Volunteers and Self-sufficiency
2.45 Modern Art: Pollock