A parable for church performance by William Plomer
Set to music by Benjamin Britten in the English Opera Group production staged by Colin Graham
with members of the English Chamber Orchestra
Directed by Benjamin Britten
Assisted by Viola Tunnard
Recorded in Orford Parish Church
The stimulus to compose the first parable in the trilogy of which this forms the second part came after a visit to Tokyo in 1956 when Britten saw the Japanese Noh theatre. Following this he invited the distinguished poet William Plomer to provide the text and develop certain principles from classical Noh drama; an all-male cast, a handful of instrumentalists (without conductor) to be included in the drama, and a stylistic form of presentation. Into this Britten incorporated something of the tradition of English medieval religious miracle plays and produced in The Burning Fiery Furnace one of his most dramatic and hauntingly beautiful works.