with George Elrick for the BBC Inter-Regional Dancing Contest
(organised by Mecca Dancing)
Tonight Outside Broadcast cameras in London-in the West End and Streatham-bring you the second semi-final in this nation-wide amateur ballroom dancing knock-out contest for the BBC Television Award.
East who defeated North-East by 80 points to 78
From the Lyceum Ballroom in the Strand with Denny Boyce and his Orchestra.
Compere, John Langham
South who defeated North-West by 83 points to 80
From the Locarno Ballroom, Streatham with Nat Allen and his Orchestra.
Compere, Alex Macintosh
Before a panel of judges nominated by members of the Official Board of Ballroom Dancing Ltd. including the Welsh Alliance
Mistress of the Scoreboard, Sylvia Peters