6.40 Einstein's Theory 7.05 Maths: Curve Sketching 7.30 Public Space Public Work 7.55 Systems Discipline
8.20 Whose Land Is It, Anyway? - this programme,shown as part of the "One World" season, looks at the conflict that exists between the farmer and the conservationist in modem Britain 8.45 Maths:
Confidence 9.10 The Originsof State Social Work 9.35 How Low Can You Go 10.00 Coping with Queues 10.25 Given Enough Rope
10.50 Living Choices: Good Moves
11.15 Evolution: Sexual Selection
11.40 Qualified to Work 12.05 Social Science: Abortion 12.30
Words to that Effect 12.55 Scenes from Dr Faustus by Marlowe 1.20 Out of Development - as part of the "One World season, this programme examines why Brazil is rapidly becoming an industrial power and is the world's second largest agricultural exporter, yet two thirds of the population still live below the poverty line 1.45 The Puzzle of Pain 2.10 Wheels of Progress 2.35 Managing a Crisis