A tragedy by W. H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood in a shortened version for the microphone, with music composed by Benjamin Britten
Music played by Benjamin Britten and Ernest Lush
The play produced by Barbara Burnham
When it was produced a year or two ago, first at the Mercury and then at the Little Theatre, The Ascent of F6 was hailed as one of the big current successes. The collaboration of Messrs. Auden and Isherwood had produced a sensitive, symbolic, and' a deeply-moving picture of what so many men are striving for in a world of arrogance and confused values. F6, an imaginary mountain, is attacked by a climbing party led by Michael Ransom , and the play is concerned chiefly with the experiences of the party as they go higher and higher towards their goal, and finally with the revelation to Ransom in the nature of the goal itself.