9.00 Topics: Money 9.15
TeachingToday: Teachers into Business and Industry -
Placements Abroad 9.45 Watch:
Seashore - Sea Birds 10.05 Short Circuit: The Big Bang (Stereo)
10.35 Greek Language and People: Let's Have a Look 11.00 Q and A: a special edition of the programme that gives viewers the chance to comment on schools television 11.30 Japanese Language and People: Japan
Tomorrow 12.00 Teaching Today: Singing Is Central 12.30 Scene: Twins - Twin Peaks/Twin Piques
1.00 Science Topics: Darwin and Evolution 1.20 Brum 1.30 The Adventures of Spot 1.35 Crystal Tipps and Alistair 1.40 Zig Zag:
Tales from Europe - Finland (with subtitles) 2.00 News and Weather, followed by Words and Pictures