6.40 Managing in Organisations 4333023 7.05 Maths: Tutor-
Marked Assignments
7.30 Physics: A Macroscopic
Viewpoint 7917936 7.55 Asian
Families, Western Culture
8.20 Biology: Organelles and Origins 5822110 8.45 Poetry: Language and History
9.10 A Tropical Rainforest
9.35 Magnetic Earth
10.00 Engineering: Linkage
Mechanisms 7382416 10.25 The Rise of Scientific Europe -
Copernicus and his World
10.50 Psychology: Two Research Styles 7220868 11.15 The
Telephone - Birth of a Technology 5772481 11.40 Developing World: The Poverty Complex
12.05 Goingto School in Japan
3973139 12.30 Managing Schools: Democracy - Fact or Fiction?
9401394 12.55 Women's Studies: Countingthe Threads
1.20 Information Technology:
From DPto IT/A Link in the Chain 8787969 2.10 Environment: Rainforest Futures