A series of four programmes.
Presented by Joan Bliss, Institut des Sciences de l'Education, Geneva.
What goes on in the mind of a five-year-old? What are they thinking while they are busy painting pictures? What do children slowly understand about the world as they paint it?
What does it mean to a child to be told by his mother he's a naughty boy because he has told a lie or broken a cup? What sense does a child make of the thing he's forbidden to do? How do they learn not only what's naughty but why something is naughty? How do children learn about right and wrong?
What do the rules in their games mean to a child of five-and what to a child of ten? Is it from games that children can see the need for rules in order to live together?
In this series the answers to these questions come from the children themselves. They talk while busy painting; they describe the games they play.