Your Own Time
A light-hearted magazine for younger women.
Introduced by Robert Gladwell who asks
'Are You Superstitious?'
It's a Woman's World
Introducing a barrister to prove the point.
I'd Like to Know...: How to be a Ballerina
Roma Fairley finds out how a youngster begins.
Singing for You
David Hughes
3.15 Quick and Easy Dressmaking: 34 - Nightdress
A French design filmed by Radio-diffusion-Television Francaise.
Demonstrated by Diana Crutchley.
Full instructions for making this nightdress were printed in the supplement in Radio Times published on January 3.
A folder to hold all Women's Television Notes printed as supplements in Radio Times can be obtained from [address removed] Price 2/- post free. Crossed postal orders, please, not stamps.
(to 15.30)