Industrial Sunday Morning Service from Chelmsford Cathedral.
To their Cathedral Church the people bring offerings from the industries of Chelmsford, and ask for a blessing on their life and labour.
Service conducted by the Provost, the Very Rev. Eric Gordon and the Rev. J. F. London representing the Free Churches.
Anthem (Christopher Tye)
Hymn: All people that on earth do dwell
The Confession
Lesson: Philippians 2, vv. 1-11
Hymn: Dear Lord and Father
Sermon: The Provost
Hymns: Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go; Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
The Offering to God
The Mayor of Chelmsford and representatives of industry bring their offerings to the Altar
Prayers for daily work
Hymn: Soldiers of Christ, arise The Dedication
The Blessing
(to 12.00)