The arts and media magazine presented by Russell Davies , including:
Biography: a report on this week's second annual Folio Society debate in which GERMAINE GREER and AUBERON WAUGH proposed the motion 'Biographers are generally a disease of English literature'. They were opposed by VICTORIA GLENDINNING and RICHARD HOLMES , with contributions from many other leading biographers.
Music: the American Steve Reich, continuing to set the paceasaperformer/composer, starts a British tour which is likely to draw the crowds. But how long will minimalism remain popular? He talks about his music and plays part of his new work Sextet.
Art: a look at the work of BOB LINNEY whose posters for the Arts Council's Contemporary Music Network are so popular that they are often torn down by collectors well in advance of the events that they publicise.
Assistant producer JOHN WHISTON Studio director MARK URBAN Producer KEVIN LOADER Editor JOHN ARCHER