The last of six films of early exploration
Introduced from the Royal Geographical Society by the pioneer polar explorer Duncan Carse.
Flying Safari (1934) .
'Beneath us we saw more elephants than any human being haa ever seen before ... 10,000 elephants in two hours . . . then a 30-mile border of pink flamingoes round a lake of jade . . . new zebra swept by beneath us by the thousand .. ' So explorer and pioneer photographer Martin John son described the incredible wealth of wildlife that existed in Africa in the 1930s; wildlife which he was now filming from the air for the first time.
With his wife, Osa, Martin Johnson flew over 60,000 miles in their two primitive bi-planes: survived tropical rainstorms, crash-landings and innumerable narrow escapes and brought back a unique picture of now-vanished wildlife, and an enduring story of high adventure. Original narrator MARTIN JOHNSON Film editor PADDY WILSON