The last of three films for the 500th anniversary of the artists birth, written and narrated by David Thompson
Legend and Legacy Raphael has gone out of fashion over the last century because the values he represents are in eclipse. While the emphasis of the Academies was on classical' standards and ideals, his pre-eminence was unquestioned, but even the least 'classical of art. ists-such as Caravaggio and Rembrandt-have learnt from him.
The architecture designed by Raphael and his assistants in the Villa Madama was to impress visi tors to Rome, and later interpreters of Christian themes like William Dyce and the Nazarenes were to study his frescos, une enthusiast for the artist was
Prince Albert; when he died, he was buried in a mausoleum surrounded by images from Raphael. nostrum cameraman IVOR RICHARDSON Photography JOHN BAKER Film editor ROY FRY
Book (same title). £19.95 from booksellers