from Liverpool Parish Church.
Epistoller, the Rev. N. E. Humphreys
Gospeller, the Rev. R. S. File
Celebrant, the Rev. Robert Nelson, Rector of Liverpool
The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Liverpool presides and preaches the sermon.
Introit: Hymn to the Trinity (Tchaikovsky)
Psalm 149
The Lord's Prayer
Collect for Purity
The Commandments
The Epistte: Revelation 7, w. 2-12
Gradual: For all thy saints, O Lord (E.H. 196)
Gospel: St. Matthew 5, vv. 1-12 Creed
Offertory Hymn: What are these that glow from afar (E.H. 203)
Prayer for the Church
The Invitation
General Confession
The Absolution
The Comfortable Words
Sursum Corda
Prayer of Humble Access
Prayer of Consecration
Communion Hymns: Let all mortal flesh keep silent (E.H. 318)
The Cherubic Hymn
The Lord's Prayer
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Gloria in Excelsis
The Blessing
For all the saints (E.H. 641)
(This Service will not be broadcast by Kirk o' Shotts)
(to 10.40)