9.00 The German Collection
9.25 Standard Grade Modern Studies
9.45 Numbertime
10.00 Thunderbirds in Hindi
10.05 Great Experiments: Keepers of Light
10.30 Ghostwriter: Get the Message
11.00 Q and A
11.10 Landmarks: History of Writing and Printing
11.30 Diez Temas
11.45 History File: The Making of the United Kingdom
12.05 The Geography Programme: Le Rhone sauvage
12.25 Lifeschool: Careers: Starting Work
12.50 Advice Shop
from Stoke-on-Trent
1.20-1.40 Children's BBC
with Chris Jarvis
1.20 Fiddley Foodle Bird
1.30 Johnson and Friends
1.40 Music Time
2.00 News Subtitled and Weather
followed by Numbertime
(Note: repeats are not indicated)