The school drama returns, and chaos descends when a masked intruder disrupts the start-of-term assembly. Meanwhile, new girl Gabriella Wark causes a bit of a stir. Show more
School-based drama. George is left in charge of the school while Christine is away - but can he handle the pressure when the pupils stage a protest to stop Lula being deported? Show more
School-based drama. Hector spies an opportunity to get closer to Nikki at the school's resilience camp, and Christine is forced to confront her feelings for George. Show more
School-based drama. Gabriella wreaks havoc when she suspects Nikki and Hector of having an affair. As Kevin prepares for his university bursary interview, he suddenly collapses. Show more
Crime drama. The team reinvestigates the death of graffiti artist Danny 'Flak' Tyler when graffiti claiming 'I Killed Flak' starts appearing around London. Show more