Sketch show set in a fictional Scottish town. Paul and Walter have trouble dealing with a customer's order, and Peter and Scott try out some unusual exercise machines at the gym. Show more
Sketch show set in a fictional Scottish town. An innocent family singsong takes a devilish turn, Biscuity Boyle tries speed dating and Frankie Boyle stars in a revolutionary TV ad. Show more
Sketch show set in a fictional town. A businessman demonstrates his invention, Marky and Rosso set out to embarrass a family friend, and the quality policemen tackle delinquency. Show more
Sketch show set in a fictional town. Doberman Man meets his enemy, James Bond has an unpromising encounter with his contact, and Carlos Zumba shows why his dance craze is a hit. Show more
Sketch show set in a fictional town. A gullible customer gets fleeced, May and Nan's argument erupts into violence, and Doberman Man shows off his trophies to Doberman Man Woman. Show more
Sketch show set in a fictional town. Doberman Man tracks down his nemesis, paranoia reigns at the pub and the pole dancing club, and two friends find it difficult to connect. Show more