played by, the Mabillom Trio: William Bennett (flute) Philip Jones (oboe)
Susan Bradshaw (piano)
Art and Anarchy by EDGAR WIND
Professor of History of Art In the University of Oxford and Fellow of Trinity College 1: Oar Present Discontents
In this lecture Professor Wind ascribes the causes of our discontent to our success in removing art to a zone of safety where it does not touch the central energies of life. He claims that the wide diffusion of art today has brought with it a loss of density: while we get more art than any previous generation, for that very reason we get less out of it.
An Occasion Recalled
The first performance of Hilda Tablet 's opera at Covent Garden
The music realised by DONALD SWANN
Orchestrations realised by MAX SAUNDERS
The words realised by HENRY REED and Assumptions in the opera:
Sinfonia of London
Conduct of the Orchestra by Patrick Savill
Production suddenly realised by Douglas CLEVERDON
: fifth broadcast
The new production of February 26, 1968
Sonata In F, Op. 64
Sonata in G, Op. 31 No. 1 on gramophone records