Chaconne, Intermezzo, and Adagio for unaccompanied cello played by Zara Nelsova
Talk by Dr. A. Altmann
Communal Rabbi of Manchester
Second of two talks
An introductory talk by Walter Goehr
Mr. Goehr, who is conducting tonight's broadcast of Monteverdi's opera, discusses the methods he used in preparing the music for performance.
Opera by Monteverdi
Edited by Walter Goehr
Talk by Alan Pryce-Jones aibout Andre Billy's Saimt-Beuve, sa vie et son temps,published in France
Part 2
Talk by Mary McCarthy about the Muse and the Academy
A picture of American writing in its current uneasy relation with the university: the short-story seminar; the writers' conference; t'h-e critical exegesis; t'he coursesin, how to 'understand ' fiction and poetry; and tibe modernised, classroom as host to a new blight of conformity
by Archibald MacLeish
[Starring] Edana Romney and Robert Eddison
The scene is a garden above the sea on one of the islands of the Antilles.
Variations on a theme of Paganini played by ' Geza Anda (piano) on gramophone recorda