A broadcast version of the Tamer Lectures, 1953 by Gilbert Ryle
7-Formal Logic versus Informal Logic
Symphony No. 2
(The Four Temperaments) played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Royalton Kisch
Illustrated talk by Frank Pelleg
In recent weeks Fritz Rothschild 's theories on how eighteenth-century music was performed have been the subject of several broadcasts. The speaker, the well-known Israeli barpsiohord player, believes that such theories are irrelevant as far as the modern executant is concerned, and that the harpsichord should be played in a modern way and not treated as a museum piece.
An anatomy of eighteenth-century melancholy by Eric Ewens
Narrator, Hugh Burden
Reader, Valentine Dyall with Denys Blakelock
Dorothy Black , Jessarnay Gibb John Caaabon , John Glyn Jones Produced by Peter Duval Smith
A musical dramatic poem in one act and a prologue
Poem by W. B. Yeats
Greek paraphrase by Veta Pezopoulos English adaptation by Geoffrey Dunn
Music by Manolis Kalomiris
The sailors of the galley voices of women
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate )
The New London Orchestra
(Leader. Leonard Hirsch )
Producer, Geoffrey Dunn Repeititeur,George Coop
Scene: The deck of an ancient ship
A study in nineteenth-century environment
Robert Furneaux Jordan considers the lives and characters of Cardinal Manning and Cardinal Newman as people profoundly influenced by environment-the former by Rome, the latter by Oxford
Ilse Wolf (soprano)
London Harpsichord Ensemble:
John Francis (flute)
Albert Waggett (flute) Lionel Solomon (flute)
Olive Zorian (violin)
Peter Mountain (violin)
Bernard Davis (viola)
Ambrose Gauntiett (cello)
Millicent Silver (harpsichord)