(Church of England)
. from the Studio
Order of Service
Hymn, Jesus, Lover of my soul
(A. and M. 193 ; S.P. 542)
Opening Sentences
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer, Versicles, and Responses
Psalm cxxi
Lesson, St. John x, 11-16
Psalm xcviii (Cantate Domino) Prayers
Hymn, Thou, Whose almighty word
(A. and M. 360 ; S.P. 303)
Address by the Rev. W. T. JOSEPH
(St. Saviour's, Hockley)
Hymn, Fill Thou my life (A. and M.
705 ; S.P. 492)
The BBC Midland Singers
Conductor, Edgar Morgan