Animated adventures of Bernard the polar bear. Even when he is asleep Bernard is capable of anything, as he finds out when he wakes up in the morning.
Let's Write Non-Fiction
Biography - The Personal History of Charles Dickens
20 minutes on BBC Two Wales
A powerful drama based on the true story of Charles Dickens's secret childhood. Show more
Education series on aspects of mathematics for seven-year-olds. Hutch tries to describe to Star something he's lost. Show more
Second in a three-part series. This week, Grant is in Aberfoyle finding out about the birds that live in the countryside with some schoolchildren.
Schools history series for seven- to nine-year-olds, looking at the six wives of Henry VIII. Terry Deary on Anne Boleyn, mother of Elizabeth I. Show more
Violent revenge western about a full-blooded Apache Indian working for the US Army who is assigned to investigate the murder of a colleague. Show more
Joins BBC News 24.
Lively German language-based magazine series for beginners, featuring a group of teenagers in their home city.