by Professor W. S. Bullough.
for Schools
First shown on October 26
(to 10.25)
Introduced by Arthur Garratt.
for Schools
(First shown on October 26)
Filmed and introduced by Tim Slessor.
BBC film for Schools
First shown on October 25
(to 11.55)
News in Welsh.
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield)
Cylchgrawn crefyddol sy'n adlewyrehu ac yn clorlannu gweithgarwch eglwysi Cymru a'r byd
Y rhaglen yng npofal IFOR Rees
Religious magazine.
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield)
(to 13.20)
The first day of the Liverpool Autumn Meeting.
1.45 The November Handicap Hurdle Race for four-year-olds and upwards over two miles, one furlong
Race commentator, Peter O'Sullevan with Peter Bromley out in the country and Clive Graham by the Parade Ring.
People - Places - Problems in the news
A topical programme for older children.
BBC programme for Schools
2.45 119th Liverpool St. Leger for three-year-olds only over one mile, six furlongs
3.15 Molyneux Steeplechase (Handicap) for five-year-olds and upwards over two miles and about four furlongs of the Grand National course
Race commentator, Peter O'Sullevan with Peter Bromley out in the country and Clive Graham by the Parade Ring.
Anne Allen, James Hemming, and Doreen Stephens, Editor of Women's Programmes, report on competitors' answers to the Questionnaire.
Introduced by John Hobday.
from the novel by Doris Leslie.
Dramatised for television in ten episodes by Barry Thomas.
(to 16.15)
opened by Eamonn Andrews with the assistance of Tony Hart.
The Inter-Regional Quiz Championship
This week's team: Scotland
The Six-Clue Challenge: The Case of the Fugitive Tramp
by Vere Lorrimer.
Where you can try your hand at being a detective.
Sonia Fraser is appearing in 'Oliver!' at the New Theatre, London
A news magazine for South-East England.
News from South & West
A series starring Janie Marden who introduces The Raindrops (Jackie, Len, Vince, and Brian), The Harry Hayward Quartet (Harry, Dennis, Ken, and Harry)
and A British Cotton Design Competition in which viewers are given a preview of next spring's fashions and are invited to send in their own designs.
This week's judge: Edna Glyn
This week's preview: Teenage Cottons
From the BBC's North of England television studio
Look around with Cliff Michelmore, Derek Hart, Alan Whicker, Fyfe Robertson, Trevor Philpott, Kenneth Allsop, Macdonald Hastings and Winston and Mary Jane Young.
A general knowledge contest from Glasgow between
The Residents - Olive Stephens, Edward Moult, Reginald Webster
Scotland - Elizabeth Main, J. A. Crawford, Duncan MacLennan
Chairman, Franklin Engelmann
The Pageant of English History
Written by William Shakespeare.
The fortunes of the House of Lancaster have now reached their lowest point. The young Prince of Wales, heir to Henry VI, has been brutally murdered before his mother's eyes at Tewkesbury, and in the Tower of London the pathetic Henry VI himself has been killed by Richard, Duke of Gloucester. Edward IV, recently crowned in London, foresees a period of general peace and prosperity for the country under Yorkist rule-but his own security is already threatened by Gloucester's implacable determination to win the crown.
What role in international affairs will be played by the world's most populous country-Communist China?
Tonight's programme includes an exclusive television interview edited and produced in China, in which the Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai gives prepared answers to questions put by Felix Greene with comments by C. S. Venkatachar, Roderick MacFarquhar, Joseph C. Harsch.
Introduced by Richard Harris a leading British commentator on Asian affairs.
direct from the Royal Albert Hall including the Professional Grand Final and, the Duel of the Giants.
Dancing to the music of Victor Silvester, Cyril Stapleton, and Joe Loss and their Orchestras.