Debbi McCulloch, head coach at Spartans FC, is back on the 360 sofa with presenter Iona Ballantyne this week. They hear from alpine skier Charlie Guest, about her comeback in the slalom, and 360 visits FC Flip the Mindset, a football club with a difference.
‘S i Debbi McCulloch, àrd-choidse Spartans, a tha còmhla ri preasantair Iona Ballantyne air 360 an t-seachdain-sa. Cluinnidh iad bho an sgìtheadair alpach, Charlie Guest mu bhith tilleadh gu na leathaidean, agus thadhail 360 air Flip the Mindset, sgioba ball-coise le eadar-dhealachadh. Show less