How do parents’ attitudes to alcohol affect their children? How do parents broach the subject with a teen? Where can they get the best advice? And how do teens cope with a parent with alcohol dependency and how can the wider family find help?
For more information and advice on alcohol and how it affects teens and parents:
Alcohol Change UK has a useful fact sheet on alcohol and parenting
NACOA, National Association for Children of Alcoholics, offers advice and information, including a helpline 0800 358 3456
Young Minds’ offer information for parents worried about their child’s use of alcohol or drugs
RU-OK? Part of Brighton & Hove Children’s Services, working alongside under 18s whose lives are affected by substance misuse in Brighton & Hove
Oasis Project, Brighton - helping people affected by drugs and alcohol
For England-wide mental health services and support (11-25 years), including advice on depression, relationships, bullying and anxiety, please visit:
For a list of all Brighton and Hove services (11-25 years) please search:
If you are in a crisis and looking for support, please visit: Show less