An unusual short film from the mind of Chris McQueer, starring new and established Scottish talent. In this darkly comic tale Sammy, a wellmeaning
nice boy eager to please his Dad is enticed by an offer of whelks in a bag from an urchin on the street. Wanting to surprise his dad with a
change to his usual Saturday night chippy-treat, Sammy cuts a deal that changes the course of both their lives. Although initially disappointed by
the putrid fishy offering concealed within the brown paper bag, the experience of consuming this new and strange meal leads to them bonding with
each other as we see the pair enjoying a cracking evening together in front of the telly. Having savoured both the taste of the whelks and the joy of
their quality time together, Sammy wakes up that night in a pool of sweat. He can feel his dinner brewing and ready to come back up. His sickness
might not kill him, but the ensuing slippery situation could indeed prove lethal. Starring Paul McCole from Limmy’s Show, Scot Greenan from
Trainspotting 2, and Mark Dallas from Scot Squad. Show less