19:30EastEnders 2013 - 2017201529/12/2015BBC One Duration: 30 minutes Audio described Tue 29th Dec 2015, 19:30 on BBC One CambridgeshireAvailable for yearsWatch nowAs Mick and Linda prepare for their big day, Shirley comes to a horrifying realisation, changing the Carters forever.ContributorsJack Branning:Scott MaslenDean Wicks:Matt Di AngeloShirley Carter:Linda HenryAndrew 'Buster' Briggs:Karl HowmanLinda Carter:Kellie BrightMick Carter:Danny DyerLee Carter:Danny-Boy HatchardTina Carter:Luisa Bradshaw-WhiteBabe Smith:Annette BadlandTamwar Masood:Himesh PatelMasood Ahmed:Nitin GanatraKush Kazemi:Davood GhadamiDenise Fox:Diane ParishPhil Mitchell:Steve McFaddenSharon Mitchell:Letitia DeanRonnie Mitchell:Samantha WomackRoxy Mitchell:Rita SimonsAlfie Moon:Shane RichieElaine Peacock:Maria FriedmanMartin Fowler:James ByeLes Coker:Roger SlomanDennis Rickman:Bleu LandauGavin Sullivan:Paul NicholasClare Friday:Hattie LadburyMr Colin McWerther:Robert HandsWriter:Carey AndrewsDirector:Toby FrowExecutive Producer:Dominic Treadwell-CollinsGenresDramaSoapsBrandEastEnders 2013 - 2017SeriesEastEnders 2013 - 2017: 2015 Source: BBC Online