14:10Wizards vs AliensSeries 1Episode 9: The Fall of the Nekross - Part OneCBBC Mon 28th Oct 2013, 14:10 on CBBC ChannelAvailable for 7 monthsBenny launches an attack on the Nekross ship - a plan which has terrifying consequences for both wizards and aliens alike.ContributorsTom Clarke:Scott HaranBenny Sherwood:Percelle AscottUrsula Crowe:Annette BadlandMichael Clarke:Michael HiggsLexi:Gwendoline ChristieVoice of Nekross King:Brian BlessedVarg:Jefferson HallPuppeteer:Tim RoseRandal Moon:Dan StarkeyJathro:Tom BellProducer:Brian MinchinDirector:Joss AgnewWriter:Gareth RobertsGenresChildren'sChildren'sDramaBrandWizards vs AliensSeriesWizards vs Aliens: Series 1 Source: BBC Online