Can this huge, complicated country become the pioneer for Africa?
Nigeria is at a crossroads. One way leads to chaos, the other to a decent, modern state.
This year the Nigerian economy may overtake that of South Africa in size, and the country may then assume the real mantle of 'Giant of Africa' that it has grandiosely claimed for some time now - on size of its population alone.
In terms of foreign policy it's not so fanciful.
For many years Nigeria has been the benevolent 'Big Brother' of smaller states such as Liberia and Sierra Leone.
But Nigeria has major internal problems - Boko Haram is but the latest and most serious.
Widespread and endemic corruption continues to plague politics at all levels.
It's not partition yet. Nigeria's oil money may yet be the glue to hold its disparate interest groups together.
Mark Doyle investigates why Nigeria, with so much potential, is forever 'on the brink' internally?
Can this huge, complicated country become the pioneer for Africa? Show less