This unusual and inspiring drama-documentary by award-winning writer Tina Pepler (Song of the Forest; Sisters), looks at the way in which horses are being used to help change lives – from corporate clients to troubled teenagers.
Based around an interview with renowned horse whisperer, Andrew Froggatt - who works on New Zealand’s beautiful Kapiti Coast - the drama focuses on Greg and Alice.
Greg is struggling in the current recession to keep his business afloat and alienating his work colleagues and his family in the process. Alice can’t relate to her step-parents after her mother’s death. Neither believes horse-whispering has anything to offer them. But they’ve yet to meet Rob and each other.
The cast includes Barnaby Kay (Conspiracy, Shakespeare in Love); Nicola Miles-Wildin (The Glass Menagerie); Ivan Kaye (Cold Comfort Farm; The Bill); Nigel Hastings (The Changeling); Farzana Dua Elahe (Eastenders); Sally Orrock (The Gods Weep) and Lisa Stevenson (The Football Factory).
Director: Marion Nancarrow Show less