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Fàsach na h-Eòrpa/Europe’s Wilderness

Series 2

The Golden Jackal/An Seacal Òir

Duration: 51 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Documentary series portraying some of Europe’s rarest and most fascinating animals. Featuring breathtaking photography of endangered species, the programmes present European landscapes that seem as wild as they must have been a thousand years ago. Today we live in a world where humankind slowly – too slowly – has started to realise that we have to make changes in order to preserve these species and environments to enable future generations to enjoy them.

The four episodes each focus on one animal, it’s needs and habitat - the muskox, the capercaillie, the golden jackal and the mouflon. What are their challenges in a changing world? How does climate change affect them and how do they defend their territory against human influence?

Tha an sreath ùr Fàsach na h-Eòrpa a' coimhead ri cuid de na creutairean as teirce agus as inntinniche san Roinn Eòrpa. Le ìomhaighean riochdail de chreutairean a th' ann an cunnart, taisbeanaidh na prògraman raointean Eòrpach a tha a' coimhead cho fiadhaich 's a bha iad bho chionn mìle bliadhna. Tha sinn a-nise beò ann an saoghal far a bheil a' cinne-daonna gu slaodach – ro shlaodach – a' fàs mothachail gu feum sinn atharraichidhean a dhèanamh airson na gnèithean is na h-àrainneachdan sin a dhìon gus am bi saoghal aca san àm ri teachd.

Seallaidh gach earrann ri aon chreutair, ris na feumalachdan agus an àrainneachd aige: an damh-mhusgach, an capall-coille, an seacal-òr agus am mouflon. Dè na dùbhlain a tha romhpa ann an saoghal caochlaideach? Dè a bhuaidh a th' aig atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde orra agus ciamar a bhios iad a' dìon an ranntair bho bhuaidh dhaonna?

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles Show less

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