Thairis air na beagan sheachdainean a chaidh seachad, tha Seonag Monk air a bhith a' coinneachadh ri sgrìobhaichean eile a bha a' còmhradh rithe mun cuid obrach agus mu na rudan a tha a' toirt buaidh orra. Ach an turas seo 's e Iain Urchardan a th' ann an cathair a' phreasantair agus Seonag a' seanchas ris mu cuid sgrìobhaidh fhèin.
Throughout this series, Seonag Monk has been meeting some of today's Gaelic authors and finding out about their inspiration and creative process. However, this time it's fellow writer John Urquhart who's in the presenter's seat as he gets the chance to quiz Seonag about her own writing career. Show less